Adventures of Tantra Girl by Liberty Storm is a 223 page paperback centering around the world of Tantric massage. More specifically, this book details specific adventures of Tantric practitioner extraordinaire Ms. Liberty Storm over her decade-plus career. Of course, this is not just a simple, mundane, recollection-based memoir. Indeed no, the book itself taps into the great karmic-cosmos and is full of unrelenting energy. There is not one boring moment in the book, and anything that does not detail immediate action is there to set it up. I picked it up thinking I would read it over the duration of a week or two. Despite my initial assessments, I was to find that this book not only radiates energy, but also a strange, hypnotic magic that draws you into it.
Before reading this book, my idea of Tantric massage was based around a vision in my head of someone sitting in a kimono, in lotus position with pockets of incense burning from their forever extended, upheld, fatigued limbs and forehead. Of course, somewhere in there was a back rub. Before reading this book, this was what I had stuffed in my head walking into page one. And with this idea in mind, by around page 20 or so, I found myself glued to the pages, eventually finishing off this 223 page work within a 24-hour time period. And when I got to the end, all I could do was shake my head back and forth in bittersweet content that although what I read was great, that I found myself compelled to scream for more.
Okay, so that's my testimony, but what was it that kept me glued to the book long enough to read the whole thing in less than 24-hrs?
In it, you will find that it starts out nice, but Ms. Storm has a way with cutting to the chase. It's very subtle, but you find yourself immersed in the good parts almost all the time. For an ADD-er like myself who has next to no patience, this book reads like miracle. It drew me in right off the hop and I was even pissed that I had to go to bed halfway through it (It actually threw my sleep off cause I stayed up so late to read it). The next morning after throwing my daily tasks out of the way, the 1st chance I got, back to the pages I dashed, only to find a mere hour later that I had reached the glossary.
Once you get past the obvious, what you begin to have is a solid appreciation for what a Tantric masseuse does on a bigger scale. What I got from all of it was that contemporary populations in general do not at all understand human sexuality. And this is in line with many things that humans THINK they have figured out, but actually don't, like medicine and nutrition. All I could do was think about the daily backdrop of unhappy, unfulfilled faces I see drive and walk past me everyday. The frowns, the repressed anger... you name it, almost everyone is not smiling. If I had to suggest a cure and a quick hack to get more smiles per morning commute, I would recommend EVERYBODY to book an appointment for a Tantric massage session.
The why is best explained by reading this book. Am I trying to sell you this book? In a way, yes. The reason is that if you are unfamiliar with Tantric massage, you'll have the same idiotic mindset that I did before I read the book. To get the exact definition of what it is, you'll have to read the book. It is definitely worth the price and if anything, the price is a bit on the low side for what the book offers. In its pages, you will read about this superhero of exotic sorts and all her adventures. And Ms Storm leaves nothing out. She is polite and professional in her depictions and is able to convey exactly what happens and happened without the slightest dab of awkwardness. And she does this extraordinarily well, as this is a topic that could easily slide of the tracks and become a wreck... if told by anyone else, of course.
After reading the book, I began to think of how distorted and narrow the general impression of sex is. Although people usually assign it to romantic endeavors, I find the idea of it as spiritual journey far, far more uplifting and fulfilling. I could easily see how Tantric sessions could dig someone up out of a bout of depression or help someone who is finding themselves lost or overwhelmed with life in general. Plagued with existential angst? I'm sure after a few sessions, you won't give a single f#$% about such neverending, unfulfilling, mental bottomless pits. Most of all, it made me wonder if it might be a possible solution to fading/dulling marriages? There is the dull, conventional notion that sex is what the religions proclaim it to be, but even before reading this book, I found that whole line of thinking to be depressingly dismal. Overall, this book left me with the impression that we often misappropriate sex with something that it can be, but also doesn't have to be.
Most importantly, maybe humans have lost their way with what it all REALLY IS.
My advice on the book: Get it. Get it now and read it. Would I read it again? YES.
You can purchase it here:
You can find Ms Liberty Storm at:
And on Twitter: @mslibertystorm